Investigative Journalism Bureau Logo Horizontal

Innovate. Collaborate. Illuminate.

The Investigative Journalism Bureau is an impact-driven, collaborative newsroom, bringing together professional and student journalists, academics, graduate students and media organizations to tell deeply-reported stories in the public interest.

Sunlight Project:

A searchable database of completed Ontario Freedom of Information requests.

Help us reach our goal of $250,000

Over the past four years, we’ve fought countless battles for public records, interviewed hundreds of sources and published dozens of investigations in print, audio and documentary. Our reporting has shaped policies, changed attitudes and raised awareness on a range of vital public interest issues while training the next generation of investigative reporters.   

Your contribution not only ensures accountability and improves lives, but also helps train the next generation of investigative reporters dedicated to holding power to account.

Help us keep up the fight.

Recent awards and impacts

Canadian Association of Journalists Data Journalism Award for ‘Suspended’ series

Canadian Journalism Foundation’s Jackman Award for Excellence in Journalism Honours for reporting on Youth Mental Health

Mindset Award for Mental Health Reporting

Registered Nurses Association of Ontario Media Award for reporting on opioid drugs sold on Ontario streets

Winner of The Data-Driven Reporting Project from the Northwestern University Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications and the Google News Initiative

Investigation into provincial government’s Medical Condition Report program led to introduction of private member’s bill to amend Highway Traffic Act

Reporting on radon led to 1000% increase in radon testing

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