‘I am deeply troubled’: Head of Ontario law society speaks out after Star/IJB investigation into sexual harassment among lawyers
The head of Ontario’s law society says she is “deeply troubled” by the level of sexual harassment, violence and discrimination within the profession. Jacq... Read more.
Your lawyer could be under investigation for sexual misconduct against clients. Why won’t Ontario’s law society tell you?
Shannon needed a lawyer. The Toronto hairstylist was facing a slew of charges, including assault, threatening death, and breaking and entering. As she stood in ... Read more.
‘I am deeply troubled’: Head of Ontario law society speaks out after IJB/Star investigation into sexual harassment among lawyers
The head of Ontario’s law society says she is “deeply troubled” by the level of sexual harassment, violence and discrimination within the profession. Jacq... Read more.
Sexual harassment, discrimination forcing women lawyers to quit. Some say the profession needs its ‘Me Too’ movement
After a three-decade career as a lawyer in Toronto, there isn’t much that intimidates Martha McCarthy. But ask her about the climate of sexual harassment amon... Read more.