Tracking Lead Levels in
Schools and Daycares
Are you a parent living in Ontario? Your child may be exposed to drinking water at school or in daycare that exceeds the federal safety guideline for lead content.
Over the past four years, nearly half of Ontario’s public schools have had at least one test for toxic lead in drinking water exceed the federal guideline, an analysis by the Investigative Journalism Bureau has found.
In collaboration with the University of Toronto’s HIVE Lab, we’ve developed an interactive database that allows you to check lead test results for Ontario schools and daycares between 2019 and 2023. Simply enter the name of a school or daycare in the box below and press enter. The results will appear automatically.
Lead-laced water could have impacted more than 800,000 students in roughly 2,300 elementary and high schools over the four-year period as new evidence reveals the toxin’s devastating impacts on human health.
Children around the world younger than five years lost 765 million IQ points in 2019 due to lead exposure from all sources, including drinking water, according to a sweeping 2023 study from the World Bank measuring the global human health toll from lead exposure.