Heliograph Snapshots: “Reporting on the Invisible Burdens of Women” out now

In the latest episode of Heliograph: Snapshots, host Ryan McMahon talks with the IJB’s, Emma Jarratt on her experiences reporting on women’s invisible burdens, from OB/GYN errors to the toxic culture women lawyers face. What makes Jarratt’s reporting important is not just that her work takes aim at power, but that her work shares stories that are hiding in plain sight. In her career she has chosen to take big swings at very difficult subjects and does so with a fierce lens and a steady touch.

You can read her latest work at: https://ijb.utoronto.ca/projects/privileged-and-confidential/

Heliograph examines the brilliant, elusive and inspiring work of some of the world’s best investigative reporters to understand their methods, motivations and impact.

Each installment of Heliograph focuses on reporting that creates meaningful change and reflects the IJB’s core values: collaborative and innovative storytelling in the public interest. The podcast also embodies the IJB’s educational mission to offer top-notch training in investigative research and reporting.

Thanks for listening.

Contact: ijb.dlsph@utoronto.ca

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